Pikes Peak

Pikes Peak

Sunday, April 15, 2012

What's Real?

Woke up this morning with the opening line of a new poem surfing in my mind. The final result follows:

What's Real?

As yesterday's illusions fade into memory,
Tomorrow's come into view.
Today is not real.

Yet we cling to today as if our very existence
Depended on it.
We have created an epic play,
Of Shakespearean proportions,
Filled with drama and tragedies
Which keep us searching for answers,
All the while creating anew.

We are the seekers,
Traversing the planet,
Overturning every rock.
We look at the stars,
And dive neath the sea.
We rationalize the mind
And dissect the body.
We search for knowledge
Amidst a projection of lies.

Our truth lies elsewhere.
Close your eyes, feel its essence,
And you will find what's real.

"The Course in Miracles" has made me questions many things which are prevalent in my life. I'm not sure where it will take me, but I know I will have a better understanding of my world and myself as a result. I plan on undertaking the yearly journey of lessons TCIM offers soon. My only goal will be to free myself of the ego's chains of self-serving objectives. In retrospect, that's quite an undertaking. I will post my progress here. Wish me luck.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Whispers in the Street

I have recently found some of my lost writings. Among them was this poem which I'd like to share with you.

Whispers in the Street

They say they know what's best for me,
As we gather one and all.
They understand what's right and wrong for me,
Summer, winter, spring and fall.
They understand my every purpose,
They're caring and so sweet.
Life's evolving as predicted by
Those whispers in the street.

Those whispers, although silent
Shout a language all their own,
Passing from one another
Hearsay which has been sown,
Changing lives which are so fragile,
Reaping harvests still unknown.

But why should I persist and listen,
To experts self proclaimed?
Who know and predict the future,
As if it were prearranged.
But who gives these whispers their substance,
Determines their valid state?
It's a code which has not been written
Yet determines people's fate.

Whispers which breed a generation,
Sending it on its way.
Whispers which create a dogma, but
Have nothing valid to say.
Yes, we've created an entire nation
Of citizens so discreet,
While marching to the beating drum
Of whispers in the street.

Whispers shouting boldly,
Demanding to be heard!
Giving substance to all rumors
Including those unheard.
Whispers which control behavior
Of lives as yet unfurled.

Can anyone stand up and resist
Those whispers in the street?
Do you posses the strength and courage
To stand on your own two feet?
Do you dare to change and be different and
Oppose pretenders of the beat?
And rid this place of vicious lies,
Those whispers in the street?

I addressed one of my whispers today and feel a whole lot better because of it. Now I need to make sure that whisper doesn't return and turn my attention to silencing others.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter, the Time for Forgiveness

It's all about forgiveness! Not only the season, but life in general. And forgiveness, contrary to common belief, begins with the self. How can you truly forgive anyone else while carrying anger within? It will not work. You project what you believe! Therefore, you cannot extend forgiveness unless you feel free of personal conflicts. And true forgiveness expects nothing in return.

"Remember that in every attack you call upon your own weakness, while each time you forgive you call upon the strength of Christ in you." "Course in Miracles" P. 104

Jesus was our great teacher. His great gospel was the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. You cannot have one without the other. Inherent in the belief of God's fatherhood is the acknowledgement that all of mankind are the sons and daughters of God. Above all, God loves all His children unconditionally.

So, the real difficulty lies through our personal judgements. We judge indiscriminately, between good and bad, love and fear, peace and war, right and wrong, etc., etc., etc. But once we have fully forgiven ourselves, our judgements will disappear and we will see our fellow man as he/she truly is, a creation of love by our Heavenly Father.

"The cross forever shows that the attitude of Jesus toward sinners was neither condemnation nor condonation, but rather eternal and loving salvation...Divine love does not merely forgive wrongs; it absorbs and actually destroys them." "Urantia Book" P. 2018

Begin this holiest of season by emulating Jesus, the Great Forgiver. Love God, love yourself, and love all mankind. And it all begins with forgiveness. Happy Easter to everyone.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Course in Miracles

It has taken about a year, but, for now, I'm done with the "Urantia Book". Although deep and intense, I found a new vision of spirituality. I came to understand how this is, not only, one cohesive universe, but also how everything is connected to the God Center. In addition, the book gave me some detailed insight into the physics which governs the universe. All in all, it was a book that opened my eyes and gave me a greater understanding of God.

But understanding is one thing, applying that knowledge to my day-to-day activities is quite another. So, what better teaching instrument is there than the "Course in Miracles?" To this point, the book is a compilation of philosophy, reasoning and tasks. The accompanying daily workbook lays out a plan for spiritual enlightenment through its 365 lessons. I have not yet begun those lessons, opting, instead, to read the entire body of work first.

I have, however, formulated a preliminary plan which I hope to finalize soon. The plan includes the "Course in Miracles" workbook, increased meditation, and compiling my writings and pictures into an organized body of work. Currently, I am attempting to be cognizant of my ego's continuing separation messages. We are all spiritual beings attempting to find our internal God Center. That's where it all begins. I will leave it there for now.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Light of Heaven shines through me
and illumines my path.
The Light Eternal is my guide
and my protection.
In that Light there is no darkness at all.
It is a perfect Light
shining from the altar
of a perfect Love.
O Light and Love within me,
Thou art welcome.

Ernest Holmes

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Urantia Book

I have decide to divorce myself from "The Urantia Book" for a while. I have been reading this extensive collection of papers "...presented by celestial beings as a revelation to our planet, Urantia." The book is divided into two primary parts. The first, "...instructs us on the genesis, history and destiny of humanity and on our relationship with God the Father," while the second part is a complete chronology of Jesus of Nazareth.

Because I admire the Christ story, I began by reading the second part first. While I have always admired Jesus' story, the additional spiritual insight of his life depicted in this book made it much more complete than any of the other biographies of Jesus I have read. The first part of the book is divided into three primary sections, the central and super-universes, the local universe and the history of Urantia (our earth).

I did not read the first part in succession, but by specific subject matter, whichever enticed me at any particular moment. Some of the more interesting papers covered the Universal Father, the spiritual hierarchy, the growth of humanity, our spiritual progression after death, the evolutionary growth of our planet and solar system, the lives of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the life of Melchizedek, and the impact of religion on our society. There are additional interesting papers covering the spectrum of physics and biology. The reading is not always easy, and, more often than not, the book was a precursor to a good night's sleep.

Quite honestly, some of the papers were difficult to digest and, thus, required some faith to take as factual. While much of the information provided cannot be substantiated, it does seem farfetched that someone would go to such elaborate length to create such fiction. One thing, however, has me convinced about the book's authenticity. It is ultimatonic matter. The book describes ultimatomic matter as "the prime physical units of material existence, the energy particles which go to make up electrons." It goes on to say that there are 100 ultimatons in each electron and that these ultimatons cannot be broken down even by the core temperatures of suns which reach 35,000,000 degrees, and that they give electrons their mass.

Why do I pick this out? "Urantia" was published in 1955, at a time when there was no knowledge of sub-electron particles. Science has since discovered the neutronos (ultimatons), and it wasn't until 1998 that it was found that neutronos were not weightless, thereby exhibiting mass. While it is true that I have a difficult time understanding the exact atomic physics, I do know that some of the physics described was unknown at the time it was written.

I'm sure that I'll return to "The Urantia Book" at some time, but, as for now, I plan to move on to some more simplistic spiritual studies and easier reading. Bring on "The Course in Miracles!"


Monday, February 20, 2012

Our Journey Within

A while ago I joined a group called "Project Intuition (Guiding Spirits with Love)" on Facebook. Yesterday I posted my blog entry of "The Way" in the group. And it raised some discussion regarding the journey's of some of its members. And it's interesting how different people view their spiritual journey, both from an inward and outward perspective. One of my responses was the following:

"Self-mastery is the most difficult journey, but also the most rewarding. We have been so programmed by society to live a certain way, behave a certain way, and believe a certain way, it's like living in "The Matrix." As a result, many of
us leave our passions behind to follow blindly along. The true joy of our spiritual journey is breaking free of societal bonds and truly expressing ourselves. By taking the journey within, you will see a whole new and exciting world around you, regardless of how that world perceives you. Remember that we all take that spiritual journey individually, but collectively reap the joyful harvest."

Personally, it feels good to be able to share beliefs, ask questions or seek advice in such an open forum. Knowing that I am not alone on this journey, gives me strength and confidence to not only continue on the path but to open myself up to my inner self and to truly get to know who I am.

If anyone is interested in the group, here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ProjectIntuition/

Please meet my precious granddaughter. She's a wonderful spirit and lights my life.
